Orchestra 2

The Prize

The “Galileo 2000 Prize – A life for music” was found in 1996 by an idea of ​​Alfonso De Virgiliis, welcomed and shared by the Superintendency of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino theatre, to support and promote a musical event that is an expression of the artistic continuity during the time.

In the beginning the idea was structured as follows:

  • Match, in the same musical event, a young artist (the Pentagramma d’Oro) to an international well known performer (the Giglio d’Oro).
  • Choose a “young” artist, belonging to the concert or to the dance field, who will play with the international worldwide artist in performing a concert or a classical or modern ballet.
  • Insertion from the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino theatre, in the next two seasons, of another concert or performance of the “young” artist in order to concur, once again, to the consolidation of the artist’s skills.
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Devirgiliis Premio
Edition after edition, the Galileo 2000 Prize has broadened its horizons with the aim of rewarding personalities of international importance who have distinguished themselves in their field as innovators, creators of peace, culture and dialogue between men.

In 2003, with the “Galileo 2000 Special Peace Prize” awarded to Shimon Peres, the recognition was also given to someone who contributed with his actions, personal and moral commitment, to build peace in the world. Music is culture and peace needs cultural growth to better impose itself.

In 2004, the “Galileo 2000 Special Prize for Culture” has been found and awarded to Jack Lang.

In 2005, the year of the inaugural of the Galileo 2000 Prize Foundation, a further recognition was created: the “Special Freedom of Thought Prize”, that year awarded to the philosopher Bernard – Henri Lévy.

In 2006, the year of the tenth anniversary, the Prize receives the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic. The Galileo 2000 Prize also enriched with other sections such as the Dance Prize and the Special Prizes Leonarda “Woman Genius” and Leonardo “Man Genius”.


The Organizers

Antonio De Virgiliis 2

Antonio De Virgiliis

President of the Galileo 2000 Prize Foundation


Marco Giorgetti

Director Manager of the Teatro della Pergola